Precor P31 Console
A low-cost, no frills, workhorse console designed for years of daily use in the commercial gym space.
Design Brief
To compete in a low cost fitness equipment market, Precor needed to revitalize the base console offering while modernizing the aesthetic and user interaction.
Aesthetic Spectrum
A progression of design aesthetics should be evident from the bottom of the line to the top, the top being the most defined in terms of surface and design features, the bottom as the beginning of an evolutionary process. Defined by simplicity and approachability, the term cheap and cheerful is a target to aim for. It encompasses a range of products that are true to their feature set, unapologetic in their materials and position, and do not attempt more than their capabilities allow. They are easily understood and friendly to their users.
P31 product positioning
A progression of design aesthetics should be evident from the bottom of the line to the top, the top being the most defined in terms of surface and design features, the bottom as the beginning of an evolutionary process. Defined by simplicity and approachability, the term cheap and cheerful is a target to aim for. It encompasses a range of products that are true to their feature set, unapologetic in their materials and position, and do not attempt more than their capabilities allow. They are easily understood and friendly to their users.
Concept Development
A progression of design aesthetics should be evident from the bottom of the line to the top, the top being the most defined in terms of surface and design features, the bottom as the beginning of an evolutionary process. Defined by simplicity and approachability, the term cheap and cheerful is a target to aim for. It encompasses a range of products that are true to their feature set, unapologetic in their materials and position, and do not attempt more than their capabilities allow. They are easily understood and friendly to their users.
Ergonomic Testing
The P31 is available on every fitness machine Precor offers and needed to be vetted for every scenario including locking down the perfect display angle, optimizing the position of the controls and user testing prototype consoles in local gyms.
Final Product
The P31 has proven to be versatile, durable, and one of the best selling consoles Precor has produced.